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About us (or rather me, Mr B :)

 am a qualified primary teacher with many years of experience of teaching a variety of subjects in both state and private school settings in the primary sector.  I am also the Managing Director of Balestra Education Ltd and the creator and teacher of this workshop as well as many others such as the Romans, WW2, Space, Victorian Inventions and even sword fencing .

I started this business with a sporting focus in 2006 and it has since grown to include this larger variety of workshops which are very much based around an ethos of delivering fun and extremely interactive learning experiences for mostly primary pupils in the subjects that I personally am most knowledgeable about and am most interested in teaching; namely science, history and sport.

Mr B from Balestra school workshops

If you have had a chance to look at any of the workshop details you will have seen that I place a strong emphasis on 'wow!' moments in my teaching in the firm belief that this is the best way to engage pupils and leave a lasting impression on them that will both inform them and spur them on to further independent learning.


I also believe strongly in the power of visual aids in the form of genuine historical artefacts, hand made scale models and the use of ICT and video presentations to enhance the learning experience.


At the time of writing, I deliver  workshops to around 150 different schools per year throughout the North West of England averaging between 10,000 and 11,000 pupils per year.


If you would like to make an enquiry or perhaps offer your services to the company, please don't hesitate to contact me here.

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