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What teachers and pupils have said about this and other workshops I offer

This workshop:
"Excellent workshop today Mr B. The whole of year three loved it! Your humorous, informative and inclusive style won the day. We'll definitely be in touch again."

Mike Lacey, year 3 teacher, Lancashire

This workshop:
"Great workshop today. my year 4 class and I loved it!  Inventive, informative and fun." 


Ben Leah, y6 teacher, Lancashire

Romans history workshop:
"Just a quick thank you from both me and my class. What a fantastic day!! We all learnt so much and had loads of fun too. Really hope you will be able to come back."

J Kirkham, Y5/6 teacher, Derbyshire

Year 6 Evolution science workshop:
"A brief note to express our thanks for such a brilliant workshop. All the children loved it and benefitted from their involvement.  Today they have talked of nothing else!"

Sue Bromley, Deputy Head/Year 6 teacher, Worsley

This workshop:

"Real artefacts/weapons, real experiences, life size animals, real learning - a fantastic step

back in time with Mr B!"  


Diane, y3 teacher, Bolton

This workshop:

"What a great day!  The pupils loved the 'hands-on' opportunities you provided and your care and attention to detail, such as getting to know pupils' names"


Headteacher, Giggleswick primary school

KS2 Science workshops:

You brought fairly tricky concepts for young children to life in a way that was meaningful to them. They left school buzzing and have been eager to find out more! Thank you again.""


Claire Wardell, KS1 teacher

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